About Us
We are a high-tech firm that provides consulting services, and software solutions to the National Defense.
We Deliver Unique Software Solution & Engineering Services
Global Engineering and Materials, Inc. (GEM) is a high-tech firm that provides innovative research and development, consulting services, and software solutions to the National Defense, commercial industries, and government and university research laboratories. We specialize in computational mechanics of materials and structures, multiphysics coupling between fluids and structures, damage and failure characterization, physics informed design optimization and software development. GEM was established in 2001 as a corporation in the State of CT and currently has its primary working office in Princeton, NJ.
Our mission is to develop innovative software solutions and leading-edge research services in computational mechanics, multiphysics modeling and simulation, advanced materials and structures, and multi-disciplinary coupling for process optimization to complex challenges in high technology markets.
Locations and Facilities
Global Engineering and Materials, Inc, incorporated in CT, has its primary working office in Princeton, NJ. The Princeton Office consists of 1,844 sq ft equipped with offices, a conference room, and a server room. GEM computer systems include high end personal computers and several Linux/Windows servers on a local area network (LAN). GEM has a suite of in-house developed software for performing numerical simulations and post analysis for various engineering applications.
GEM Princeton, NJ
1 Airport Place, Suite 5 & 6
Princeton, NJ 08540
Phone [ 609.356.5115 ]
Fax [ 609.924.3999 ]
GEM East Lyme, CT
11 Alscot Drive
East Lyme, CT 06333-1303
Phone [ 860.367.3509 ]
Fax [ 609.924.3999 ]